Engaging Mobile Promotions
Be a Mobile Marketing Rockstar. Get started in minutes.

FunMobility Mobile SmartWidgets put the power of mobile marketing at your fingertips – without the need for a costly app. Get mobile engagement in minutes with powerful, easy-to-use SmartWidgets like deal sliders, circulars, surveys, quick forms, slideshows and more. SmartWidgets are HTML5, meaning they run in your customer’s mobile browsers. You can launch SmartWidgets through SMS, email, or integrate them into your mobile ad campaigns, or into existing mobile sites.Engaging Promotions
Save time and money
Works with SMS, email or mobile ads
Integrates with existing mobile sites
Runs in smartphone browser – no app required!
Engaging, rich HTML5-driven experience
Free Trial Contact Sales
Mobile Coupons
Whether you’re a retailer, online marketer, agency or ad network, FunMobility Mobile Coupons will get you up and running fast with high-performance mobile coupons. Offering powerful industry-leading location capabilities, enables local targeting and redemption of offers to make data driven decisions on mobile marketing spend around individual retail locations.
Lucky Spinner
The FunMobility ‘Lucky Spinner’ powers fast, fun mobile promotions which allows customers to “win” mobile coupons, or any mobile web-based content.
Lucky Spinner works on any iOS, Android or Tablet device without the need for an app download. Drive better click-through rates, customer engagement and brand retention with Lucky Spinner!
Everybody’s a Winner
Every customer eventually “wins” a coupon or other form of promotion.
Instant Survey
The FunMobility Instant Survey SmartWidget delivers quick insights into the consumer experience, and enables insights into their behavior now and in the future. It also empowers you to deliver better customer service, and resolve any satisfaction issues fast. The FunMobility Instant Survey SmartWidget delivers customer data, allows you to re-target specific audience groups (Geographically & demographically), and segment popular promotions
Create an enhanced presentation of news alerts that increase tap thru and enable more brand customization, with the option of directly calling a location or sales associate. You can also feature a ‘tap to call’ option to direct users to stores or direct sales, present alerts that link to an app or url, and present limited special offers.
Mobile Marketing SmartWidgets
Mobile Marketing SmartWidgets put the power of mobile marketing promotions at your fingertips without the need for a costly app. Mobile Marketing SmartWidgets are set of mobile marketing tools that include deal sliders and circulars, surveys, order forms, tap-to-call screens, store finders and more. Mobile Marketing SmartWidgets are HTML5, meaning they run in your customer’s mobile browsers. You can launch SmartWidgets through SMS, email, or integrate them into your social, print, television or radio campaigns.